Digital Strategy

Best digital marketing companies focus on connecting the various channels of online marketing you go for. A strong connection appeals and convinces your potential customers. At Maayaz Media we work to create sync with the platforms for effective results

Marketing agency

The rise of internet users at 5.7% at an annual rate creates challenges as the expectations of modern day internet users changes randomly.

To meet these expectations new technologies and innovations come into play. New ads forms, better audience understanding features, automation tools, attribution models , audience targeting features and tracking tools and analytics guide businesses to create more personal and cross channel experience for the customers.  Maayaz Media believes that digital strategy definitely plays an extremely important role in when online marketing is focused upon.

Importance of it

Digital Marketing strategies layout the plan of action  connecting the various online platforms of brand promotion and customer conversion  techniques. An effective marketing strategy will help you take the right decisions to make the company successful. All aspects of the business and its growth plans on the online platforms are connected, ensuring the correct steps are taken to meet the objective set.  

Maayaz Media works towards in helping you to layout an effective plan to achieve your goal :Starting with Paid search followed by Analytics, conversion rate optimization,  brand building and then SEO.

"A solid digital strategy lays down your roadmap for success and you cannot boost your leads and sales without it in online marketing."

Giving you a clear view of the role we play in your digital strategy.

Optimizing your marketing for future

Conversion Rate Optimization

We assist you in making changes to your website to improve visitors who can convert as customers. The analysis of your data will let us know the way customers move in your website, what element  is distracting the customers from completing the action on your website and take steps to correct it. Attempt to  increase engagement of the customers on your website will done that converts to leads, enquiries, calls and sales.

Pinpoint effective marketing channels and buying stages

Effective Funnel

We guide  you to create effective marketing funnel that is simply a  path coordinated strategically planed and that gives a step by step progress of the buyer’s journey.  

An effective funnel has four stages:     Outreach   arrow right, arrow, sign-310628.jpg   Conversion   arrow right, arrow, sign-310628.jpg    Closing arrow right, arrow, sign-310628.jpg    Retention

Attribution Model

Do you know from where your customers are coming? Attribution means what are the touch points in a customer’s journey to purchase or to avail your services.Which channels and messages had greatest impact on your customers leading to their conversion or interaction with your website. Maayaz Media analysis the path of the customers journey helping you identify and frame correct strategies.

Data Analysis and understanding customer persona

Data Analysis

The digital data from various sources provides a clear vision of how the customers are behaving, We use this data in framing marketing strategies that confirm better rate of return on the investment made by you .This stands to be a vital element of your digital business strategy.

seo for digital marketing

Identifying your objective

Brand Building

We help in developing unique identity and framing your digital strategy. This enables us to study both the digital and real world customers. Using  targeted audiences on various platforms like Google, Youtube and social media channels makes the task easier of placing the brand in front of the correct audience. The trend observed in the customer categories enables us to define your edge over your competitors.

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